What To Expect After Getting a Crown?


What To Expect After Getting a Crown?

A dental crown is a common procedure that can help restore the function and appearance of your smile. After getting a crown, it is important to take care of your new tooth to ensure that it lasts for many years. Here are a few things to expect after getting a dental crown procedure:

1. Sensitivity: It is common to experience some sensitivity in the first few days after getting a dental crown. This is usually because the tooth has been filled to accommodate the crown. The sensitivity should go away within a week or two. If you experience any prolonged or severe sensitivity, be sure to contact a dentist near you.

2. Gum tissue: The gum tissue around the dental crown may be slightly swollen or sensitive for the first few days. Sensitivity is normal and should resolve on its own. If you notice any persistent swelling or redness, contact your dentist.
3. Eating: It is essential to take it easy when eating after getting a dental crown. Avoid hard or crunchy foods for the first few days to give your tooth time to adjust. Once the tooth has settled in, you can resume eating your normal diet.

4. Oral hygiene: It is important to brush and floss regularly to keep your dental crown clean. Be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid abrasive toothpaste. If there are questions about how to care for your new tooth, be sure to ask your dentist.


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